Whole White Pepper

White Pepper Grades
We have 3 Pepper Grades to offer:
1. FAQ White Pepper for European Market
2. Double Washed - 630 G/L White Pepper for US Market
3. Hand Picked White Pepper for Japanese Market
Our company is the place Where to Buy White Pepper in Indonesia since when we started this business, as White Pepper Wholesaler , Food safety, Sustainability, Traceability and Stable Supply of Muntok Pepper are our main objectives.
Food Safety
Farmers of our Pepper use Botanical Pesticides such as Trichoderma sp. as a biological agent, Organic Fertilizer such as Cow Dung and only allowed Inorganic Fertilizers for their crops.
We partner with local governments and various institutions to improve quality and productivity of Muntok White Pepper as well as the farmers welfare.
We source our Whole White Pepper directly from our partnered local farmers in Bangka Selatan , of which, with two third contribution of overall supply of the Muntok White Pepper, is the center production of the well-known Muntok White Pepper in Bangka Belitung.
Stable Supply
As a White Pepper Exporter and Wholesaler, We are focus and determined in doing business. We’ll do our best to make sure our partnered importers to get stable supply of Muntok Pepper and competitive White Pepper Price.